Going into 2022, we are bound for another loop de loop on the corona-coaster. I wanted to share some of my favorites from the year in hopes that these kid-tested and approved lessons are helpful to anyone reading this. You can always contact me if you have any questions.

Little Butterfly that Could (Beginning of Year/End of Year/Perseverance)
Here are the details for the Little Butterfly that Could lesson. This is a fun lesson for new year. (I did it at the end of the school year last year focusing on the next new year May 2021) My free TPT lesson here. The book is awesome and the kids love the craft.
Nerdy Birdy (Friendship/Inclusion)
Nerdy Birdy rocks and this lesson by @StoriesbyStorie is great too! teachers often display the adorable craftivity in the hallway. (Did this one in 2nd grade Aug/Sept 2021 about Friendship/Diversity).
Invisible Boy (Empathy/Kindness)
Recently posted about this about Inclusion. The ever so awesome Invisible Boy Lesson. (Did this for 4th and 2nd for Kindness Week highlighting inclusion).
Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza (Responsibility)
Little Red Hen Makes A Pizza is a great book for K-2. Here is the ppt I used. This is the a great K/1 book to use for Responsibility (Did this in November 2021). Let me know if you have questions on this one. A few weeks after the lesson in the classroom, I did centers with my kinder babies and in one center I used the pattern activity here.
Little Mole Finds Hope (Hope)
Inspired by lessons created by colleagues Carrie Jones and Joslyn Maxwell… rock star elementary counselors!! I can give you details on how I use this fabulous book, if you message me. An aside : my district is having us do K-5 suicide prevention lessons… where developmentally we highlight the concept of HOPE and our unique value. (Did this in November 2021) Dang we all need hope for real. Here is the PPT I use.
Next week when we dive into 2022, I’m going to start my growth mindset units. If you’ve been following me, you know that I wrote Mindset Matters, but it has been a couple years since I have taught it in it’s entirety to any grade level. Looking forward to it, and I’ll post some of those freshened up lessons as we roller-coaster along in the new year.
Best wishes to all of you educator warriors! ~ Lisa