NEW College and Career Week Ideas

Like all things this year,  College and Career week was a bit different at our school.  Happily, many of the ‘pivots’ were very popular and we’ll continue them in years to come. Below are highlights that you could incorporate in your programming.

  1. Daily game sent to homerooms that they can guess as class. The game is called “Guess Who this Kid Grew Up To Be?” send via google or microsoft forms. Example here. We used to hang this in the atrium, but teachers felt like this way, more kids got to participate…. and we got to use more photos of staff when they were kids. Here is an example. Each afternoon answers were given on the announcements and highest scoring classes were given a shout out.
  2. Our principal did a Career Trivia Game show with 10ish staff members and then shared the video with all so classes could watch. HUGE HIT. Because it is a great idea and also becuase my principal is awesome. See the game show video here.
  3. Flip Grids. We gave parents and students the opportunity to record flipgrids. We sent out mulitple remnders and talked it up in our lessons. We got a about 20, but I bet next year we will get more now that the kids see how it runs (and that there is 15 minutes of fame involved). Here is one that my brother-in-law did for my students.
  4. A photo booth where kids can have their pictures taken by their teachers. (See my rockstar counseling partner who put that together.
  5. Choice Board: We sent this to parentsand teachers encouraging students to turn this in for a prize. Some kids got really into this. Even kids learning remote participated and got prizes delivered to them or picked up. These are the prizes we got and they were a hit with all ages.

Here is the blog post from last year with more virtual ideas too.

1 thought on “NEW College and Career Week Ideas”

  1. This is so great! Thank you for sharing your ideas! I can’t wait to incorporate some into my upcoming virtual career week. The Flip Grid link is not working but I would love to see how that was done.

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