Going back to school this year is not going to be easy. That’s pretty much the only thing we can guarantee. I hope that the lessons provided within this book will help educators. These are the social/emotional skills we’ll need to focus on before academics can even start to be addressed.

You can cover these concepts in one lesson, or break it into 5, or even 5 weeks and will revolve around a book study of sorts with my children’s storybook, Be Your Own Hero ($8 on Amazon) and on YouTube read aloud too. Within the story there are lessons to start the conversation of what the world needs right now: a way to teach kids to see the hero in themselves and to be proactive, resilient humans. The topics below correlate with the Hero Lesson on the poster (which also correlates with the lessons Mr. Finley teaches his class … one a day… in Be Your Own Hero)
- Topic 1: Self-Esteem, Confidence
- Topic 2: Self-Advocacy, Standing up for justice/equity
- Topic 3: Growth Mindset, Resilience
- Topic 4: Acceptance of One’s Own Talents and Contributions, Learning Styles
- Topic 5: Making a Difference in the Lives of Others Kindness, Teamwork
Click image below or right here for color copy = black and white copy.

The lessons that can be delivered either in-person or virtually. This will be an easy way to make this book also like a curriculum. Or even to use them as Classroom Norms/Rules. (Click images for free posters.) Additionally, the five lessons lend themselves to lessons that you already have some hidden gems to supplement. And they are conversation spring boards.
Ways to use this book for re-entry:
- Cover one lesson/tenant a day to establish safe classroom rapport and discussion
- For Classroom Instruction use as an SEL unit
- To establish classroom norms/rules
- Counseling Small Group Lessons
Also, here is a great free resource https://storiesbystorie.com/be-your-own-hero-activities/
In the coming weeks, there will be more info on ideas for implementation. (ie Bitmoji Classrooms… 1 for each lesson!)