No Really… it’s so simple, why WOULDN’T you have a College Day at your school? Have all staff members wear a college t-shirt and voila, it’s a day to infuse College Readiness into the little people. You can do more to make it a more comprehensive day…. or you can not do more. Just do something, because it can be so easy, and the impact can go so far.
Many students need to hear it at school, even at elementary school… that yes College is possible. There have been many discussions on how to best address college readiness and I put many of my ideas in my book (shameless self-promotion) on How to Create a College Day in elementary and middle schools. Even if you don’t dive in to the curriculum. The concept is so simple, I ask WHY NOT?
Here are some easy ways to add on to the day should you choose to expand on the concept.
- Create a display where your staff went to college.
- Have a staff tailgate during a staff meeting. (meaning staff can have pot luck snacks or college themed munchies, but darn it appropriate beverages only)
- Have teachers show the movie Monsters University that day.
- Grade levels can compete in a door decorating contest.
- Classes can adopt a college student to Skype with on that day
- College trivia on the school wide announcements
- Invite parents, college-aged siblings, aunts, uncles, etc. to come in and have lunch with their students wearing college attire.
(To see a more detailed summary of what a College Day can look like, click here).
Our College Day is coming up and we are excited to bring in a group of speakers for our 4th and 5th grade students in a round-robin. I’m not going to lie, that part of the program takes planning and can be time intensive. But, the bullets points above are easy and wearing college t-shirts is easy… so really, why wouldn’t you do a college day to highlight the concept that college can be accessible to all students.
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