You know that more than ever, we need to pull out all the student engagement tools and tricks. So the questions is, “Do you need a song for your lessons or brain breaks?” And the answer is “YES!”. Make it fun, change it up, and if you can make it relevant to your lesson…. BONUS! Bookmark this post to refer back to when planning lessons.
I use music year round for freeze dance, follow-the-leader, or even just have on in the background while the kids are doing a worksheet, reflection or coloring.
Here is a list I know that I will refer back to with a bunch of songs/videos in one place. And I’ll keep adding songs as I remember the ones I love.
List of Songs/Videos
Warm Up Song
Growth Mindset
And here is an old blog post with other Songs and Videos about Growth Mindset
Stop, Walk and Talk
Rap Lyrics Stop, Walk and Talk (4th/5th)
Stop, Walk, and Talk (with real kids in video)
Sweetkick Musician Stop, Walk and Talk
Career Awareness
Career ABC Rap (I play this one every year with my career lessons)
Social Skills
Personal Space
Life Vest Kindness Boomerang. One Day