I created a new lesson for my first one of the year. I did this lesson with 3rd grade, but I’d say you can adapt K-5. This is a great lesson for inclusion, fitting in, class dynamics, teamwork, and being true to yourself. Could be used for start of year, end of year… or anytime in between. The inspiration for this lesson was the book Where Oliver Fits by Cale Atkinson (as well as having lots of excess puzzle pieces from my pandemic obsession… and dog ate some pieces every puzzle so … yea, had a lot to use).
This worksheet could be a coloring sheet… or could be copied on colored paper and laminated so that students can get into groups to figure out the message.
This 9 piece puzzle coloring sheet can be given at the end of the lesson. I encourage the kids to take it home cut out the pieces and see if someone in their family can put the jigsaw puzzle together.
You should be able to tweak as needed, but if you have any questions, contact me and I can clarify.