After 2 years of not having Live Career Days…. we’re baaaaaaaaack. We have a Career Day for K-3 in the form of Careers on Wheels and for Grades 4-5, we do a College/Career Fair and College Day. Leading up to our events we do Career Exploration lessons. This week I’m in grades K-2, so here are some ideas I’ve been using.
Games!! Use these to start any Career Lesson. The kids were highly engaged with these:

Jobs And Occupations ESL Game | English Vocabulary Games – YouTube
Can You Guess The Job / Profession From The Emojis? | Emoji Guess Game – YouTube
Jobs and Occupations Game – Guess the Job | Games for Kids – YouTube
Jobs ESL guessing game – YouTube

#YouCanBeABCs from Sam – 6 year old raps about careers A through Z – YouTube
Make Career Hats

All you need are: Sentence strips, a stapler and these templates can be a whole lesson in K/1. If you want the PPT I use for this lesson… contact me. I’ll post soon, but if I forget remind me. 🙂
Lesson: Someday
PPT is here . This worksheet goes along with this lesson based on the book Someday by Eileen Spinelli. Read Aloud here.