If you are a subscriber to this blog, or just checking out this post, YOU might not have said you wanted these things… BUT the fabulous counselors/educators that I presented to in McKinney, TX and Orlando, FL wanted these links! And if you if you weren’t at one of those sessions.. these links will be helpful for you too.
If some hyperlinks aren’t working YET, please note this is still a work in progress 🙂 Should be complete soon… holler if there is something you want if it isn’t up here or ready to go.
Things you can download and use:
- Parent Handout: What is Growth Mindset
- PPT: What is Resilience ? (Egg or Bouncy Ball)
- Mindset mini grant
- Intro-to growth mindset email-to-staff
Video Clips:
- Ted Talk by Carol Dweck
- Effort Vs Intelligence Video
- Brain Research “Boosting Mindset with Jo Boales“
- Stephen Curry Success Not accident
- Khan Academy You Can Learn Anything
- The Growth Mindset Chant (click below and see page 13 in Mindset Matters)
Resource Books:
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
- Mindset in the Classroom by Mary Cay Ricci
- Growth Mindset Coach
- The Talent Code by Daniel Doyle
- Mindset Matters by Lisa King
- GRIT by Angela Duckworth
Other links of interest:
- Folded Paper Activity: http://blog.classcreator.io/teaching-kids-to-struggle-growthmindset/
- Group Rules Freebie: I Mustache You to Follow These Rules
- Plickers.com ( a great way to collect data)