Summer is ….poof gone! Time to get ready for a fabulous school year. This post is for those of you who have thought about infusing growth mindset into your school with some easy steps of how to get started. (Need a refresher on what growth mindset is in a video nutshell? Here is one of my faves.)
Get Administrator Buy-In
Take the first step and start talking about growth mindset with your administrator. If you watch any of the videos on the resource page here, you will get excited. Bring that excitement with you to a meeting with your principal. Talk about data, talk about the benefit for staff morale, let your admin know that you are all about helping to train your staff on growth mindset, doing a book study, or a parent workshop. Start as small as you want, but take a step towards your goal of bring growth mindset to your school.
2. Set some dates on the master calendar 
If your persistence and smooth talkin’ has gotten your admin on board, get some program dates on the calendar. If you don’t plan it, life will happen and it won’t get done. Whether you plan a Growth Mindset Parent Night for later in the spring or a staff development… get it on the calendar.
3. Plan your lessons and or groups
Plan lessons. Plan small groups. There are tons of great lessons out there. Mindset Matters by yours truly (available at Amazon too)is filled with many ideas and Teachers Pay Teachers and Pinterest have tons of great ideas too.
4.Get excited!
Interested in reading more about weaving growth mindset into your year? Click here.