New Innovations to Spice Up Career Day

A few weeks ago, I posted an overview of how we create a Career Day at my school. We have implemented a Career Day program for over 15 years at my school; we add on and tweak every year. But this year we are (drum roll please) ….adding some shiny, brand new innovative twists. Two weeks till go-time and here is what we have been planning:

Skype Presenters: So this is new for me. I’m still skeptical that I can pull it off. BUT as of now my 4th graders are scheduled to Skype with South African agency that rescues penguins. I’m just sayin’… that would be pretty cool if it actually happens. I will update you of the bumps in the road and the recap of this cool new twist on having speakers “come in” for Career Day. Check out to find skype guest sign

Hands on Centers: I’ll write a more descriptive post, but this interactive part of Career Day that is long overdue at my school. I mean, come on, this is how kids learn best. My focus this year is for the Architecture and Construction Career Centers . Kids will be playing with legos and blocks, watching video clips and comparing job descriptions. (more details/lesson plan to follow).

Fancy Facts of Staff: I sent out a career teacher survey. Staff could return it via email or print it and fill it out. While I’m sure I there is a simple way to use google docs or surveymonkey, this info will be transferred to a wall display for teachers, students, and parents to see.

Video Clips via QR Codes: This is to be worked on tomorrow. The hope is that videos of teachers and community members of them telling about their careers will be available from Smartphones (adults) or Ipads (students with their teachers). Read the follow up post to find out how this turns out. 🙂

I hope these innovative twists go in the right direction. I am excited and will keep you posted.

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